Friday, December 22, 2023

OpenWRT, dnsmasq, dhcp, static mappings, but No DNS Resolution

The Problem

After poking around WAYYYYY too long to connect these dots, I finally have a reasonable explanation for why dnsmasq, running on on OpenWRT, absolutely refused to resolve an IP address from a hostname that was configured, in DHCP, with an IP for a specific client mac address.  The client machine was online, and reachable by that IP.


dnsmasq only resolves names from DHCP active leases, not from DHCP config.  (Read on if you need to know how to check, how to fix, etc.)

The circumstances were:

  • ip/name configured in DHCP for client machines mac address (as mentioned already).
  • client machine hostname configured to match the name also assigned by DHCP
  • client machine (linux) had been rebooted, after configuring DHCP and hostname
  • command dhclient -r issued repeatedly on the client machine
  • interface, domain, etc. set to "lan"
  • ipv6 disabled (just in case it was making things more complicated).
  • ping and nslookup from a different machine received NXDOMAIN response from dnsmasq/openwrt

Extra Circumstances (that didn't seem relevant, but were):

  • client machine had unexpired, cached DHCP lease info in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases
  • openwrt dhcp did NOT have an active lease registered in /tmp/dhcp.leases
  • dnsmasq had been restarted, the entire openwrt router had been restarted, and several updates had been "Saved and Applied" via LuCI.  This probably meant that any DHCP in-memory name:ip mappings were gone.

What fixed it?

On the client/host machine that can't be resolved/found by name...
  1. Delete /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient*.leases
  2. Reboot (because dhclient -r eth0 didn't help).


  1. Check that ping and nslookup now work as expected from other clients for the previously (let's hope) unresolvable hostname.
  2. Check that openwrt /tmp/dhcp.leases DOES now include a line for the recently, forcibly-renewed DHCP lease.


openwrt runs dnsmasq with a configuration that references the /tmp/dhcp.leases file.  
  • The setting is found on the Network - DHCP and DNS page in LuCI, on the Resolv and Hosts Files "tab" in the Leasefile field.
  • The setting is found in the /etc/config/dhcp file in the config dnsmasq section as option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
    • See:
    • This says: "leasefile stores leases in a file so they can be picked up again if dnsmasq is restarted."

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